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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: mania

Dear @redhead

It took me many years to have the guts to tell my Mum. When I told her, she rang all of her friends one by one and told the, all that I was crazy. so every time I visit her, ......she's very popular......I usually meet one of her friends who talks about being crazy ( these words by two on Saturday)
so, yes, I can empathise with your dilemma. I'm sure your Mun isn't as bad as least I hope not.
can you send her an email and write to her???
Without putting myself down, I think I'm an okay are already way ahead of me. If your medication makes you tired, slot in a midday sleep.

do what you wanna do
Say what you wanna say.

I think alessandra1992 has a better saying, Ille try and find it.

this is your life.
Write down your support people who you can trust.....
I have a sleep every day
I also do my exercises ....I have a stretchy thing and do 3x 10 stretchy stretches up and down and other stuff......

This is your life.
tell the people you trust and be yourself.

that's what I think at least......
Senior Contributor

Re: mania

I saw my therapist today. It was nice to talk through everything that's happened over the last week. I even opened up about some of the strange things I've been thinking about, like the voices trying to hurt me if I go to sleep. <br>We also talked about how out of control I feel right now. (control is a big thing for me, if I feel out of control I self harm or fall into ED behaviors) <br>My therapist didn't have any tips on how to deal with this mania tho, she just said stick to my meds even when I don't want to take them.

Re: mania

Have you considered attending a voices group? Have a google on working with voices, and the hearing voices groups that are in Victoria can be googled. I think they are listed on prahran mission website. The hearing voices approach is pretty cool, and there are hearing voices groups all over Australia I think.

Grow groups also have folk who experience diversity with thoughts, feelings and/or some of us may hear voices..

The main thing is being with peers is like wow, not alone in my experience..

Good on you for opening up to your therapist too..
Senior Contributor

Re: mania

I used to go to a hearing voices group but I don't go anymore because it stopped helping.

Re: mania

@allesandra1992 is information girl.
I don't have any ideas on mania......
Does anyone else
@rick. @kristen



Re: mania

Hey @redhead, maybe try a different Grow?
It is quite tricky when you can see yourself going into a high cycle..I think @kristin has posted about how she manages it contain a high from escalating..
I am sure @kristin has posted about self containment strategies, self care to stay calm, kind of like keeping your engine in neutral rather idling, and then blowing a gasket through over heating?
Senior Contributor

Re: mania

Alessandra1992, An idea,


Your mind feels like it’s going a mile a minute, so that would be a good time to train your body to do the same. All the extra energy of mania is best put to use physically.

No matter what exercise you enjoy—walking, running, biking, hiking, or dog sled racing—use your mania to shed a few pounds, get around town, or practice for an Ironman.

Also, getting into a regular exercise routine does wonders for your health, especially for preventing depression symptoms and helping to beat stress.  Healthline

just a stab in the dark.


Re: mania

Oh love
Senior Contributor

Re: mania

Alessandra1992, another,

Stay True to Yourself

Mania may bring delusions of grandeur into your mind, or make you feel invincible, but you need to remind yourself of who you are during your mania. As much as you feel like it, you’re not a superhero. You are human today just as you were yesterday. You have things you love in your life that need attention and forsaking them during your mania only hurts it.

Even if you need to get them tattooed across your forearms, your goals, ambitions, and hard work shouldn’t be erased by the frantic, fleeting desires of mania. As you already know, the feelings won’t last but the repercussions just may.

One Last Thing

No matter how great you feel during mania, remember that it won’t last. You’ll fluctuate back to normal, and possibly back into depression. Never neglect your treatment during mania, no matter how tempting it is.

Mania is temporary, but its effects may not be. 

Senior Contributor

Re: mania

justanother47yr, is in the eye of the beholder.


Mental Health Council of Tasmania