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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks for sharing my happy with me @Teej, @Faith-and-Hope, @Zoe7 and @Queenie (and the support button-ers) 😊. It was so cool to pick up. It's SO shiny and sparkly and was heaps of fun to drive home. It's a funny feeling to be sad about where the money came from for it but so happy to have this. Our people are really happy for us, like you said @Faith-and-Hope 🙂

It's much bigger and higher than my tiny little old car and it feels so much safer. It's going to make a big difference driving along the fast road as much as we have been doing to see unwell and well one lately. The crew loved all the important things like a fold down cup tray to separate the love/hate duo in the back, and buttons galore - small things lol.

Once the house inspection is over tomorrow (which I'm srill doing last minute things for) and I've submitted what I need for c-link to get my pay back to what it should be, I think things will be less stressful again. It's been a bonkers week (that feels like a month!).

I was hoping to get to TT last night also @Queenie, but I haven't been able to look at the forum for a few days. I'm running on "what day is it?" too!

Re: Just checking in.

I’m so glad there has been a silver lining in all that you have endured this week @CheerBear . I hope house inspection has gone ok (I’m sure it will). I loved that you got a soccer mum car. It all sounds good until you have a car full of wet, smelly, muddy soccer boots, then you know your a soccer mum 😜😷. I think in part it is why I started thinking the fantasy thing on the other thread. There’s nothing quite like an early match on a freezing cold wet day to make you feel alive 😄

Im guessing you might be packing for a special trip.  I’m supposed to be but am so meh and blegh that I’ve postponed mine, only my friends don’t know yet 😬🤭. 

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Teej. Funny timing as I'm sitting here not getting ready for a trip that I should be getting ready for too. In the last hour and a half I had the inspection (which went really well thanks to being a major stress head when it comes to the house (and everything else lol) ), then tried to deal with c-link as it is my last day to before next pay but the system kept freezing on me, found out I now have a $2k c-link debt (apparently that should clear once the rent assistance is sorted but im pretty sure my heart stopped for a moment when I saw that!), and someone came to get the old car which I wasn't expecting so soon. Seriously my head feels all snap, fizzle, bang right now 🤯😖😳

I have to pack stuff for the kids and get the cats sorted but hopefully that's all there is to do now. I'm so close to getting through this week of hiccups and so close to being able to put some big stress behind me and enjoy eggs and chocolate and family (and a soccer mum car which I thought you'd appreciate 😁)!

*vent over*

I caught up a little yesterday and sent you mega hugs and ❤ through the screen for the tricky you've had going on. Have you decided not to go on your trip? If so, how are you spending this weekend?

Re: Just checking in.

👋💜💕 @CheerBear @Teej .....

Re: Just checking in.

I think I’ll go on Saturday. @CheerBear . I’m supposed to go straight from therapist appointment today but I know I couldn’t do that now. I hope therapist can help a bit to help me work through some stuff. Once my head is straight it should be lovely being there. Lovely oceans views and it’s a lovely house. There will be three boys (one each all the same age and good friends) plus one or two girls, my two friends and a husband of one.  I’m in a really strange headspace about it all and really want my brain to be ok. 


Youve done well to get to get to this point @CheerBear . Hopefully c-link can be sorted soon enough. Packing for kids and cats in my world would be a whole day job 😳. There’s too much to be distracted by. :face_with_rolling_eyes:. 

Re: Just checking in.

Hi 👋🏻 @Faith-and-Hope 💜🤗

Re: Just checking in.

I really hope your therapist can help @Teej. Is this your friend that's going to make you laugh about your inside growing bits? Laughing is great soul and heart and brain medicine. It's probably a similar kind of thing as where I'm at at the moment - I know it will be lovely once we get out of here, but right now it doesn't feel so lovely. I hope you have a great time and get the headspace isn't so strange soon.

The car is packed and all I have left to do is catch a stealthy mouse cat and a bananas rocket kitten. So funny - I always thought along the lines of "cat fur is glitter" but just put out blankets across the seats of the car so none would get on it even though they're in cages and none should get on it 😆 Wonder how long I'll be precious about the car for 😝

Hey @Faith-and-Hope. Caught a couple of posts that made me think sending you a bucket of ❤, 💐 and maybe some 🌈 was in order. Gentle hugs for you.

I think I'm out now. I may not get online much if at all for the next couple of days so I'll send big ❤ to all, just in case.

Hope there's plenty of chocolate (if that's what you'd like!)


Re: Just checking in.

Thanks so much @CheerBear  .... tricky emotional terrain ahead for me the next few months, or longer, but something I saw coming a mile off 😔


@Teej maybe consider volunteering at your kids’ old school ?  There is generally lots for volunteers to do - canteen, library, sports carnivals, extra reading or tables pracyice for kids who need it ..... and can lead to part time work ops.


Rushing off to class ......

Re: Just checking in.

Yes @CheerBear it’s double trouble with them going to go to town on my inside growing bits 😄. They are trying so hard to bring some normal back. I hope I can for their sakes. I just worked out the three of us have been friends for 33 years 😱


I think I need to put it all on hold @Faith-and-Hope for now until I can settle. Where have you posted what is going on for you? 

Re: Just checking in.

Sounds like a good idea to park it up and concentrate on the next step at hand Hon.


Am Not Coping a bit, for an update @Teej, but I will tell h

you here.  My home is being moved out of for us by one of my baby dragons over west, and into a condensed living place.  That’s step one towards selling it.  Rockpool leaving and the associations, as you know, begin to layer in on that. and my youngest is feeling pressured and very bitey at the mo .... and another one heading towards an operation soon .... in the West.

Mental Health Council of Tasmania