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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Just checking in.

Well done @Queenie 

It has been a battle at times but you are getting through it. 

You should be proud of yourself Smiley Happy We are proud of you here.

Re: Just checking in.

@CheerBear There is no wonder you are feeling as you are - so much going through your head and so much to do. Smiley Sad It is so wonderful that you can be given help to get a new car - that is a huge thing for unwell and well ones to offer. Take the offer Hon - they would not have offered if it was not important to them. They certainly seem like they want to look out for you and that is such a lovely thing to know. 

All the c-link stuff will get done in time - but give yourself a break right now to hopefully get your mind into a better working order to deal with it. You have had a lot happen over the last couple of days and that takes time to process - give yourself that time Hon.

As for having a pity party - think you are entitled to do that with what you are dealing with. We are here to listen - however much you want/need to vent - and support you in any way we can. Love, hugs and a little hope coming your way - you certainly could do with it right now Heart

Re: Just checking in.

😥 @CheerBear 

Sitting here with you.


Re: Just checking in.

@Queenie It only feels like yesterday that we were chatting about the possibility of you completing your course and then moving on to do your degree - that is now reality Hon and I could not be prouder of how much work you have done to get here. Your pdoc was not only wrong but should have encouraged you - you certainly have proved him wrong and more importantly - done it for yourself. Congratulations Queenie - so happy for you.

ps: huge party coming up when you graduate - look forward to celebrating that with your forum friends Smiley Very Happy

Re: Just checking in.

Love what you wrote @Zoe7  ^^^


Some days just hurt.



❤️ @CheerBear 

Re: Just checking in.

@Teej Very much in that world of hurt with you right now for yet another loss here for us. I totally understand how you are feeling - so much support given no doubt to both of us and the loss is certainly hard. Some connections and relationships we form here are very special for many different ways - this one got me through some of my darkest times - as I am sure is also the case with you. 

As hard as this is Teej - I am here for you Hon - knowing we both understand how monumental this is in our worlds and anything I can do to help you get through this I will do Heart

Re: Just checking in.

So well done @Queenie ❣️

Re: Just checking in.

@Zoe7 . I'm still around. I hide behind the scenes.

I've just been a bit spare. Feel like I have all the symptoms of depression, just without the depression ( if that makes sense).

I do very little. Watch tv, internet, read and sleep. Not much of a life.

I watched a lot of Mags. Switched it off when too much fighting and screaming amongst the girls. Though loved the women. And there will be a real wedding from this season. How cool.

Hope you are well. Hugs ❤

Re: Just checking in.

I suspected you are still in that kind of 'nothing' zone @utopia - that is incredibly hard for you. Before I went back to work I felt much the same - the depression you are having when there is no depression! I understand that 'just getting through each day' mentality - you can't seem to be happy about anything or find any joy in the day but all clinical signs of depression have gone. I honestly have no solutions for you on this one Hon. Smiley Sad 


I watched most of MAFS - felt much the same way as you with the younger women Smiley Mad I fell in love with Cam and Jules from the first night and so glad to see them still be together - as for the rest - well probably best they were not because none of them seemed like they would last anyway. When it came down to it most were on there I believe for media exposure and not for the right reasons anyway.

Re: Just checking in.

@Zoe7  I was hoping another couple would survive.  Can't remember their names.  She is of Asian background.  He has a bit of grey in his hair and his beard.  They never had sex,  but I thought their friendship was growing.  Sad. 

Mental Health Council of Tasmania