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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Christmas/New Year

Hi @hanami and others. Great suggestion for the thread @hanami . Have a great Christmas break @hanami and I’ll see you around the forums when you return.


To be honest, I’m just grateful for getting through this year and seeing the end of it as it’s been a rough year for me with my mental health. I’ve found a new charity to knit for and I’ve joined a local knitting group which has been really good for me. I’ve been on 2 holidays this year to different parts of Victoria- Bairnsdale and Echuca- with my housemate which I’ve really enjoyed. Seeing Ash Barty win the Australian Open was also great for me as it was exciting and nerve wracking to watch but still a great achievement in Australian sporting history. 


Re: Christmas/New Year

Thanks for this post I feel like Im putting added preasure on myself when things already arnt easy to start with,due to caring for an unwell family member havnt been able to go in person christmas gift shopping,which means no real gifts under the tree however food will be ok and sorted Ive just decided cause of covid and being stuck home anyway can just eat whatever we want christmas day and gifts wont arrive till january so heck my solution order KFC the day before and have that for christmas day or maybe pancakes for breakfast,dont forget dessert ,maybe cheesecake heck we can make christmas whatever we want without expectations, so thats at least one way to put a positive spin on things consiering all the other recent negative issues,besides health is the most important,not the presents

Re: Christmas/New Year

Enjoy your holidays @hanami ♥️


I'm not sure how I feel about Christmas Day this year. I think I will be relieved when the pressure is over. One thing I do like about the festive season is seeing the decorations people put on their houses. I think it's so cute & magical.


I Really surprised myself this year by seeing that I could cope with negative outcomes -& take action!

Hoping for fresh start in 2023♥️

Re: Christmas/New Year

I hope everyone has a good Christmas day whether you are surrounded by family and/or friends or by yourself.

I know how hard a day it can be for some and how anxious we can get.

I hope everyone is able to get through the day and enjoy at least some of it.


Please remember we are here for each other, through the good and bad times.

Take care everyone, stay safe and just remember 'you got this'.



Not applicable

Re: Christmas/New Year

What a lovely comforting post @Snowie. Good wishes to your generous self....

Re: Christmas/New Year

Sending best wishes to you @Snowie and everyone else reading this. 

Re: Christmas/New Year

That is so well said @Snowie.


I know Christmas can be a sad and lonely time for many. For others it’s a day full of joy and then there are the people that have a day of both. 

Together we will get through this. 

Re: Christmas/New Year

Thankyou @Snowie @Captain24 @BlueBay and everyone. We have hardly spoken, your words have really cheered me up! This place warms my heart. 


Wishing you all a lovely Christmas... Together with loved ones or alone. Nice to know people out there have so much love to give!!😊

Re: Christmas/New Year

starting to feel sad 

thinking about christmas day and how my parents refused to come to my house

i feel sad for my poor dad who will just sit there and do nothing

when he could have been with us



Re: Christmas/New Year

So many are doing it tough. Dropped in today on a family member who's isolating herself. Found her very fragile. Passed 2 homeless men lying on the pavement. Was approached by 2 different lost souls on the bus needing help. Feeling nervous about tomorrow but it's just social anxiety re the gathering. 

Peace and good will - may we all have it and share it.


Mental Health Council of Tasmania