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Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar So pleased nothing is broken but a fall like that certainly causes a lot of pain - both physically and emotionally. Take good care of yourself Hon Heart

Re: Life can be a Pain


Thats very disturbing on a few levels.  Bumped and bruised, but also loss of confidence in your own body. 

I have fallen a few times, and it takes away more than your breath.

Good you have the button, but of course you are still a canny wise old owl.


Re: Life can be a Pain

Thanks @Appleblossom @Zoe7 @outlander @Faith-and-Hope @BlueBay 


It was very comforting to open my computer and find these wonderful messages - it certalinly helps


Actually when I fell I had my hand between my head and the floor and that triggered the Alarm Company - and the TV was rather loud and I had tripped in the bedroom. I didn't have time to sort myself out before I had someone asking me if I was all right and at that time I really didn't know. I managed to get the lady to hear to ring me on my Land Line - wouldn't it just happen when my mobile phone was on the charger - but one of the cordless Land Line phones was on a little table near me and I was able to reach that - but I was discombobulated and had trouble working out what parts of me hurt - so they sent someone. But the time the nurse arrived I was able to walk and nothing is broken but bruised - yes I am - and do feel as if I was hit by a bus.


I managed to sleep until lunch time and got up and I have been taking it easy - I just finished cooking a hot pot - that will be ready soon to have as a late lunch or early dinner - it smells great and I have gone through the vegie bin and used up the vegies I didn't use this week - and now I am going to have another dose of medication for the multiple pains I have all over my body and have my dinner as soon as it is cooked


Thank God - I am okay - I was shocked last night but fell asleep after I had put my computer back on the charger. I may not have answered everyone here but so glad I could leave messages to read when I was able to get my life up and running - light duties today and tomorrow


I don't feel any need to go to hospital - even private EDs - I would rather not expose myself to the coronavirus but I am going to make an appointment to see my GP tomorrow - something I think would be a good idea


Thanks again everyone




I wanna a coffee - real coffee - for old and irritable owlsI wanna a coffee - real coffee - for old and irritable owls



Re: Life can be a Pain

It sounds like a wise move to see your GP @Owlunar Rest up until then Hon and hopefyully a little of the pain eases Heart

Re: Life can be a Pain

I'm glad you're going to see your doctor tomorrow @Owlunar 

hope you can sleep tonight 

take care xxxoo

Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh @Owlunar  .... I am so sorry to hear of your fall the other night.  You really could have done some serious damage to yourself.  So I guess the fact that you are relatively okay, ie no broken bones, is a major relief.  There is no doubt though, that any fall shakes you up a heck of a lot.  I hope you have been resting up as much as possible and keeping up the heat packs and pain meds today.


You are such a trooper ... I have enormous admiration for you.  Have I ever told you that?  Well .... I do. 😊🌺

I note that you decided you didnt need to go to the ED or get yourself checked yesterday.  But I think the second day after (ie today) the aches and pains are often worse than the initial.  How are you today?  Please dont feel obliged to answer if you are not up to it.  I just wanted you to know I read your posts, and I feel very useless  because I know you are in pain and there is nothing any of us can do.  I hope you start to feel much more comfortable very soon.  


Did I read that you were seeing your Dr on Monday?  


Oh and btw ... thank you so much for your very lovely post to me on my PTSD thread last week.  I cried when I read it ... a lot.  But I really appreciated all that you said.  You mean a lot to me too, you truly do.  πŸ’•


Please take care.


Sherry 🌸



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Former-Member 


It's so great to see you here - I have missed you so much - you mean so much to me and your posts are gentle and authentic. Really genuine - I appreciate that


And thanks also for sharing about your admiration - it is wonderful to get such positive feed-back - and yes - I think you have mentioned this before but it's an excellent time to tell me again when I have a lot of sore places. I know you have chronic pain too - something I really do understand as well - I am sure


I saw my doctor this afternoon - and he says I am all right - but I must take it easy for a few days - but no broken bones - yes - I tend to keep-on-keeping-on - and I must have a tough skeleton - and this fall was a beauty - I am sure there are easier ways to prove bone density


The post I wrote here a short time ago - I had read it back and it was written from the heart - maybe it helped that you cried a bit - that little baby who is now a mature woman is still so precious. She is also a kind, sensitive and authentic people like you - so yes - it is true you are precious to me


I am so glad you are back - it's always a good idea to take time out when necesssary - and it's pretty obvious people here appreciate you too


So - what a good time you chose to return - thank you so much




I haven't posted this sky-shot before - I call this one CyclopsI haven't posted this sky-shot before - I call this one Cyclops

Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain

Good morning @Owlunar . You are up early this morning. πŸ˜€  Hope you are okay. πŸ’œ Wish I could bring you a nice comforting hot cuppa β˜• And to reheat your hot packs to help ease your aching and sore spots. πŸ’•

Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi there @Owlunar  ... I loved the Cyclops sky photo you posted here yesterday.  A nice birthday present from you to me.  Thank you. 


Thank you for making me feel welcome to be back here ... you are very kind and I appreciate it.  

Yes I am genuine and honest ... I always am ... sometimes perhaps too much so, and can get myself in trouble for it.  πŸ™Š  But I cannot really change who I am. 


Good to hear that you ended up seeing your Dr yesterday afternoon.  Best to be sure, in case there are any hidden fractures or something.  Glad you have a tough skeleton.  Must be like my Dad I think.  He has lots of bad arthritis from a lifetime of physical work (he was a farm worker most of his life, then a school cleaner), but some recent bone scans say he has very good bone density.  So thats one thing in his favour I guess.  It does explain why, despite suffering numerous nasty falls since his stroke some 18 months ago, he has yet to break any bones.  πŸ‘


Yes indeed .. a good time to return yesterday.  I was prompted actually by a post from Shaz on the birthday thread ... I turned 61 yesterday.  Fast catching you my precious friend.  πŸ˜ŠπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ  But I was also concerned when I read about your fall the day before.  I subscribe to your thread here, so am able to keep up with you (and a number of others I care about as well) with email notifications.  Even while I'm away, I like to know everyone is okay.


Not sure if anyone really appreciates me, either here or elsewhere, but it is very nice to be back. People here at least put up with me ... most of the time πŸ˜‰.  Now that some of the threat has (temporarily?) departed, I at least feel comfortable being here again.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.


So ... I hope your weekend is progressing well.  Half over already.  Are you seeing your daughter again perhaps?  I do hope you are taking things easy and on the improve after your fall.  


Sending love and a very gentle loving hug. And a bunch of lovely flowers as well. (wish I could)  πŸ’•πŸ€—πŸŒΊ



Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar πŸ’–
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