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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911your entitiled to feel like, just please keep yourself safe. your pretty much describing exaclty what i feel right now. 

im wondering if you able to organise a time to go connect with those people in rl who you know care about you? catch up for coffee, doesnt have to be about mh but life in general....


you are an inspiration sis, even if you dont believe it. ive seen your posts to others and theres no way a dreadul person could write things as caring and loving as you do. i dont know if you realise, but despite the difficulties you go through, you are one of my glowing lights in that very dark vortex. you dont give up, you take steps backs, thats not giving up thats self care. nothign wrong with that


love and hugs to you @Sans911 Heart Heart Heart


but your right this is depression, its the pits but there is that light. we just have to not let it go. whatever it is that gives you hope, that give you that knowledge that you will come out the other side even if you get sucked back in. whatever it is do not for any reason let it go. 


Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

Hi @Sans911, just wanted to check in and let you know that us Moderators are thinking of you tonight. I will send you through an email to touch base. Take care. 

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

here for you @Sans911 HeartHeart

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@outlander @Former-Member @Shaz51 sorry, going to have to log off. Not coping very well at all.

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

please take care of yourself @Sans911 


Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

Ok @Sans911 xx


Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

Stay safe @Sans911 here when you need us 💜💙💛

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

Depression has many faces @Sans911.This time last year I was jn bed to feel safe and at the moment Im walking like a lost soul trying to find the person I once was..I think you are like all of us,put a lot of pressure on ourselves to try and get off the merry go round we have been on for so long .I think you need to look after yourself at the moment so you can help others,and you have helped me, because I know you understand.💕

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911my thoughts are with you hun and I am sitting by your side always. These are for you so if you wake up in the middle of the night or tomorrow morning you can look at them. They are beautiful photos just like your heart and soul. Remember you DO MATTER and you are so WORTH IT. Hugs beautiful ladyHeartmajestic-sunrise-jupiter-inlet-florida-beach.jpglotus-flowers.jpg

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911 ❤❤❤ sitting with you ❤

Mental Health Council of Tasmania