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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Yep the anti-depressants are the anti-anxiety meds i have the mood stabilisers to reduce the extremes i go through and the anti-psychotics but at a very low dose as it causes weight gain too. @Shaz51 the weight ive gained is dangerous and am not risking it anymore so going off them..

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Which thread is that @Mazarita?

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

And i second what Nells said about family history as well @Shaz51

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

@outlander, we are chatting on 'a long rave' thread. Heart

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Hi @Shaz51  I've been on mood stabilizers for years and have also had long periods of steady weight gain.  No diabetes so far but I have been concerned about it and will be asking my GP for blood tests next time I see her.  Hubby could have tests done too, to confirm whether or not he has it.  

P.S.  How ever do you manage to tag so many people at once?

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Hi @Shaz51 and everyone on this thread. I second getting information from the Info sheets for that particular medication, often there are more detailed info sheets available that may outline the incidences (by percentile) of various known side effects such as diabetes.

I too have worried about my large weight gain (and the effects this may have) since going on antipsychotics (and also on an anti d) these coincided too with a full hysterectomy for me - so the combined hormonal effects congregate. I know males also change as they age so age might also be a contributing factor. I second the see a GP and a dietician - your husband doesn't need more anxiety about his health on top.

Waves to all.

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Good idea  @eth, Mr shaz is seeing the doctor tomorrow to get the results of his suncancer spots so I will asked the gp tomoroow about the blood tests

tag so many people at once, I think all the members in each thread , and hope I don`t forget peoples names xxxx


Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Thank you @MoonGal my sister and @Former-Member 

yes I look up the Med and it is a antipsychotics and he takes anti D as well

doesn't need more anxiety about his health on top.-- @MoonGal Mr shaz totally agreed with your comment Heart

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Wow, you must have a good memory, @Shaz51, if you can think back to all the members in a thread. I lose track and mostly have to go back and check each page when doing multiple tags. I usually only tag those that have recently been in the discussion but trust that members will jump in and join the discussions if they want to. I thought you must make lists of names or something like that! Smiley Happy

Re: Contracting Diabetes while on anti anxiety medication

Hi @Shaz51, and others here who have responded to this question about diabetes.

When under high levels of stress or anxiety we release Cortisol. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone, and is released during fight or flight responses to danger, stress, etc. If these levels are maintained over a long period, it can lead to a number of serious health issues.

Cortisol is an important and helpful part of our body’s natural response to stress, however it’s important that the body’s functions are returned to normal as quickly as possible following a stressful event. If our body’s stress response is activated so often that the body doesn’t have a chance to return to normal, it results in chronic stress.

High and prolonged levels of cortisol in our bloodstream have a number of negative effects. This includes: insulin resistance, blood sugar imbalances, cholesterol issues, impaired cognitive performance, suppressed thyroid function, decreased bone density and muscle tissue, blood pressure issues, lowered immunity, increased body inflammation, increased risk of heart and cardio vascular diseases, etc. So its important to continually monitor your blood sugar, cholesterol, thyroid, BP, etc.

And from all this you need to remember that its better for your husband to have his anxiety treated, than to not.  Left untreated he has an increased propensity to develop insulin resistence which is a precurser to type 2 diabetes.

I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, with insulin resistence, a little over a year ago.  I do not have any of the typical danger signs - I'm actually under my ideal weight, there is no family history of diabetes, I consume very little sugar in my diet, etc.  My GP said it is highly likely that extended periods of high anxiety is what has caused the insulin resistance and pre-diabetes.  Normally people who are pre-diabetic are told to lose weight and exercise more.  For me that isnt possible, so I need to concentrate harder on reducing stress.

Hope his helps.

Sherry Heart

Mental Health Council of Tasmania