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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: My special place

Hi @Shaz51 

She likes cooking so it pleases everyone.


How are you doing today?

Re: My special place

Soo good she likes cooking 🍳 @Snowie 


For me I am feeling very anxious about tomorrow's lunch which my cousin has organised for a family get together for my mum who has passed away 

Mr shaz is a mess already,  not looking forward for tomorrow xxx

Re: My special place

Sounds like the ideal arrangement re cakes @Snowie ! 🙂


Yes, I hope you can hide this weekend till you feel a bit stronger. Am sending wishes.


Yes I need 2 or 3 days to recover from each work shift. It's only a 5 hour shift twice a week, but it's all I can manage. 

Re: My special place

No doubt you would be anxious @Shaz51 It will probably be a hard lunch for you. I hope Mr Shaz will be ok. Also hoping that there will be some good discussions about your mum.


It is a good arrangement @NatureLover Except somehow I end up doing the washing up 🤷‍♀️

At least it is some form of work hon. It may be only twice a week but it is an achievement within itself. You should be proud of that.


Re: My special place

Aww, thanks for your kind words, @Snowie . Yes, work helps me to feel competent at something and gets me out of the house. I feel so INcompetent at basics like managing the house.


Maybe your family is just used to you always doing the washing up, so they assume you'll do it? 

Re: My special place

It does get you out of the house @NatureLover Do you have to interact with people at work or can you just do your job by yourself?


I think feeling like we can't do the basic things is normal. I certainly feel that way too. Just getting out of bed is hard enough at times.


I don't mind doing the washing up if she makes the cakes! But yes, I think they just expect me to do it. At least I have a dishwasher so most goes in there.


What is for tea tonight?

Re: My special place

Yes, I interact with staff and customers, I answer the phones and do admin in a busy office @Snowie . 


I agree that just getting out of bed can feel impossible sometimes, and the basics like cooking and showering can be very difficult. Well - I gave up cooking quite a few years ago anyway, I'm no good at it. So tea tonight will be homemade bread toasted with cream cheese spread! 


I'm glad you have a dishwasher at least. What will you have for tea? 



Re: My special place

I hope that interaction is always positive @NatureLover and that they are nice. Always easier if the people around you support you.


I don't think there is anything wrong with that for tea. You made your own bread so well done. I've never done that.


Tonight is just chicken stir fry and rice. Nice, quick and easy to make. Even better was that I had everything at home for it. I'm lucky that my kids and hubby aren't picky, so they will eat anything I put in front of them.

Re: My special place

Yes, the people at work are nice @Snowie  - thanks. 


I hope today is an OK day for you and you don't have to go out anywhere...

Re: My special place

@NatureLover have to take my Mum to the shopping centre in the next town over now. She won't drive herself that far, so of course it is up to me to get her there. I wish I could just sit in the car and wait but she wants to show me a few things she wants to buy.

I know it is going to be busy, it always is on the weekend. Hopefully I don't run into someone I know. Think I will reach my prn limit today.


Had something from the school I worked at come through yesterday which was very triggering. I can't say anymore incase I identify it. 


Anyway, I hope your day goes ok. How are you going today?


Hi also @creative_writer how are you?

Mental Health Council of Tasmania