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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.
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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

@Snowie sending you lots of hugs my friend ❤️

Re: My special place

Thanks for thinking of me


Re: My special place

Always @Snowie 🩵🩵🩵

Re: My special place

How’s today been for you @Snowie ?

Re: My special place

Today's been hard @Eve7 

A lot of pain



How are you going hon? Did you have ECT today?

Re: My special place

I'm sorry you're in pain @Snowie . When do you see pdoc next?


Yes, ECT this morning and another on Wednesday. I just want to go home.

Re: My special place

Own fault @Eve7 Just want to numb myself.

I see my psych tomorrow and speak to my pdoc on Thursday. I know what he will suggest.


No doubt you want to go home hon. You have been in there for a long time now.

Hopefully you can go home after ECT on Wednesday.

Have they said anything about doing it as an outpatient? 

Re: My special place

That doesn't sound too good @Snowie but I can hardly say anything or I'd be the "pot calling the kettle black". That's the reason my stay was extended. I'll over go home Wednesday after ECT or next Monday. Pdoc wants me to have a break from ECT to see how I cope.

Re: My special place

hey @Snowie so sorry to hear you've been in a lot of pain today, hope you get some relief soon. just want to check-in to see if you're feeling safe at the moment? 


i'm here if you want to talk / vent 💗

Re: My special place

Hopefully it's Wednesday @Eve7 Having a break from ECT does sound like a good idea. Whilst I do find that it helps, it's not something I want to rely on.

I hope you have support around you when you do go home hon. I'm sure you are looking forward to your own bed and space.


Not much relief @rav3n but as I said, my own fault. 

I'm safe at the moment, others are home.

I feel surrounded by people yet so lonely at the same time.


Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Mental Health Council of Tasmania