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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: How long can a bipolar psychosis go on for?

Thanks @CLA  for your reply. Much appreciated.


We are up to three months now, so your experience gives me hope it won't be too much longer. I have had advice from counsellors that he won't be able to sustain this state forever and something will give. 

He is very good at masking and managing as he uses tools like yoga and meditation and EFT over the years to calm down. It's so complicated. He is managing to go to work in a complex job which requires a lot of brain power!

He was coming off medication under the care of apparently one of the best psychiatrists in our city. We went to him a couple of years ago to help with a bad depressive episode (work was getting stressful and too much for him and he subsequently was getting bullied for his inablity to keep up and his mental health). 

The psych said he was over medicated, that medication was a hype and not necessary and you could just take beta blockers if you felt an episode coming on. I spoke up and said I was concerned about this and he told me I was living in fear and needed to think about the future instead of basing things on the past. 

So under his care, he has been coming off them very slowly over two years. He was doing really well and adjusting okay. Then as usual, excessive stress (this time in the form of our daughter's miscarriage) set him off into the psychosis.

I have lost all faith in the medical system. I have rung to get help and because he is going to work and 'functioning' nobody gives a damn. There is literally. nothing I can do at all because he refuses any communication with me. 

He flat out believes he has never had a mental illness and it has been me all this time convinicing him he has, it was me ringing the mental health unit every day during his two week hospitalisation to tell them he was psychotic so they would keep him there. 

What benefit there is for me in making him think he is mentally unwell is beyond comprehension. HIs mental health issues have made my life really difficult. I am left with PTSD, numerous health issues, anxiety and I have lost family members and friends who no longer speak to us after his previous episodes. Now I am left heart broken, our family split up and financial struggles. 


This illness is cruel. If he had any other sort of illness at least we could be there for each other to provide love and support through it. 😞

Re: How long can a bipolar psychosis go on for?

@eth don't be sorry, it's reality! Better to not have false hope. 


I appreciate your input. 


I have just been to a psychologist to get some counselling about how to navigate it all and will continue to go to get help. 

Re: How long can a bipolar psychosis go on for?

I'm glad you're doing that @Sofia   It sounds like a big step in the right direction.  I hope they're really helpful.

Mental Health Council of Tasmania