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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.
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Re: Share a cuppa?

No @Glisten ,


That's coffee decoration of the bear.


Is it real?

Re: Share a cuppa?

Love the coffee ️ decoration @tyme , @creative_writer , @Glisten 😁

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hey @Shaz51 @tyme @Glisten @creative_writer how is everyone

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ok @ArraDreaming How is yourself?


Re: Share a cuppa?

Yeah same, ok @Glisten

Re: Share a cuppa?

@ArraDreaming  Ok is better than a slap on the belly with a dead fish.🐟 


Re: Share a cuppa?

Not if I spent the day fishing and caught the fish myself @Glisten

Re: Share a cuppa?

Hi @ArraDreaming how was your week? Exhausted from a busy week. On the bright side, I have a free weekend

Re: Share a cuppa?

Heya @ArraDreaming @Glisten @Shaz51 !


Things are pretty good over here. Just had chocolate cake, so even better. Makes me think.. I should make myself a herbal tea now.

Re: Share a cuppa?

@creative_writer I have had better weeks but I won’t get into it here
I have never had herbal but my Mrs has gotten me into Love Tea lately, goes alright (it’s not what it sounds like lol)
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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Mental Health Council of Tasmania