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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Just checking in.

Hello Faith-and-Hope nice to hear from you. Hope you are well and send all good wishes to you good friend. Bimby2.

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @CheerBear  and @Faith-and-Hope   I want to share with you a concept about spectra that my kidult told me about - some things are not even on a linear spectrum, but more like points on a sphere.   I am sure a lot of us here will find that our lived experience of MH challenges will one day let us see ourselves as stronger, more resilient, more empathic, than before diagnosis and with a sense of something to offer others.   These forums are a great place to develop and practice those qualities.  Hearts to you both xx

Re: Just checking in.

Thank you @eth 🙏 .... I appreciate it.


I see such a wealth of strength, empathy, resilience and helping others to find a way forward here already ..... with such gratitude for the preparedness to share the struggles along with the breakthroughs.

Re: Just checking in.

Checking in with a few members today...


@CheerBear any further news on your car Hon. Hope you made it to your appointment today and despite the massive scare you have been able to self-care since. Heart


@Teej  Always interested to see how you are going. Hope life is a little less chaotic for you today Heart


@Former-Member Knowing it is school holidays I hope you are having the rest you need. Been thinking about you a lot Hon Heart


@utopia It has been a while since I have seen you here and wondered how you are going too. Think of you often - especially while watching MAFS - miss those fun times we had together watching that together and really hope you are doing okay Heart


Love and hugs to all the above and also those passing through this thread today Smiley Very Happy

Re: Just checking in.

I've had a miserable day today. I woke up at ridiculous o'clock with a jolt of "must do it all now" and it's been a struggle since 🙁

I started my day off catching buses to get to a Drs appointment for my muddled middle to talk about their issues without them there. I felt sad about it all. I came home to try and find someone to fix my car and quickly discovered it isn't worth getting repaired so I'm car-less now. I felt more sad when that realisation happened. Unwell and well person then brought the remaining two of my crew home with two cats (number 3 got his claws on and refused to come home so he's on an extendes holiday until who-knows-when 🙁) and they spoke to me about helping me with a car. Unwell one started talking about some money they had ready to pass on when they die and how they'd like to give it to me now because I need a car and they need me to have a car. I felt even sadder then. I had big tears listening to them talk about it all, which I've struggled to stop since. I'd been doing pretty well keeping it together until then I think, but I couldn't keep it going today.

I have a list that's bigger than me of annoying things I need to work out including c-link stuff as they recently canceled my rent assistance which dropped my FTB too. I really didn't need that. I should have sorted it out today but it needs brain power I don't have. I should have also worked on some more cleaning for the house inspection too but that needed energy I don't have either. It all feels a bit much today. I did do some grocery shopping while I could borrow their car and that will get us through the week. That's at least one thing I managed today.

I'm venting hoping it helps to shift me out of the pity party I'm well stuck in today. I think this is just one of those days and hopefully with some sleep I'll pick myself up and get back on with it all tomorrow. Sucks right now though.

Thank you for thinking of us Zoe7. I hope today has been a good one for you. ❤ to all.

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Zoe7 im a little in mourning like I’m guessing you might be. Another farewell of a huge huge support for me. I’ve had roller coaster days but I guess that is normal for me. Been flipped about emotionally over lots of things but still here. Have to run for now to get to the shop as my car is being borrowed this evening. 

Re: Just checking in.

 😥 @CheerBear  that would be enough for anyone to have a huge pity party. I hate when centrelink do this stuff and mess up everything. I’m thinking your ftb should rise with big at a certain age unless they changed that. 

Sitting here wishing that you’d cut a break. It’s ok for your parents to help out. It might be something that unwell one gets lots of satisfaction and feel goods doing for this you now too. 

Many hugs coming your way 


Re: Just checking in.

I hope the venting has helped @CheerBear or will help a little. It is hard when we don't have a car and especially tricky with your 3 little ones.

Lots of hugs and Heart coming your way.

Some days are just sucky

Re: Just checking in.

Wow @CheerBear  some days are just diamonds and some days are coal. I’m truly sorry to hear yours has been the latter. I did think of you over the weekend while I was out shopping. I saw a Cheerbear collectable figurine. It made me smile as I thought instantly of you.

gentle non hugs if you want them.



Re: Just checking in.

Well I am now 70 hours of placement and two assignments away from achieving my diploma in community services. I cannot believe it. I’ve ripped my hair out, laughed and cried throughout the course. I didn’t think I’d make it but here I am, doing it anyway. My psychiatrist told me life won’t get any better for me and I’ll always be too unwell to contribute much to society. Here I sit typing this and believing I proved him wrong.

Never let other’s assumptions define how you see yourself.

I didn’t and for the first time in a long time I can safely say I am proud. Nobody can take that away from me.

Mental Health Council of Tasmania