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Looking after ourselves

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

9FA88113-1AE2-4C91-A6CD-9AEBF888B1D2.jpeg@Sans911 ♥️

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911just passing by to say good morning. Still in my thoughts hun and sitting with you Heartimages11UMFNRA.jpg

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

♥️ @Sans911 .....

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911 ❤❤❤❣❣❣

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911, are you ok , sitting with you , sending lots of hugs my friend Heart


Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911Just stopping by to say hello, thinking about you and still sitting next to you. Please when you can just let us know you are safe. Heartimages.jpg

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@outlander @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51

I'm so very sorry to all of you that I couldn't reach out to you.My depression dropped on like a stone
Obviously I'm still here and can't see because even with my glass one, it's still blurry. My battery has no juice and I don't have a charger.

Thanks seems so inadequate with your kind words and comfort. Right now that's giving me strength to carry on. Talk to you all tommorow

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

@Sans911never ever be sorry, just look after yourself. We will be waiting for you hun Heart

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

 just look after yourself. @Sans911, no need to be sorry , we are here for you Heart

Re: A New Chapter- Getting unstuck, staying safe and being honest

You've got a heart of gold @Sans911,just like everyone else here and need a break.💕

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Mental Health Council of Tasmania