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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Just checking in.

Just checking in. I backed up Monday's miserable day with a second yesterday. No car hurt already and I think was behind the not nice day I had yesterday also, with a horrible feeling of being stuck sinking in. We're lucky to have great public transport here but it was things like the need for emergency trips that had me worried about not having our own car. I don't do anything car related well and trying to sort through all the options for cars and then working out how to look at cars without my own to get there and back, did my head in.

We had a friend come over last night to pick up their little person who had spent the day with us and it helped shift a miserable inside-ness I had going on. We had a great laugh and chat and when she found out about our car she offered to help us while we don't have one, even asking if we'd like to borrow hers during the week as she doesn't use it. Hopefully I won't need to take her up on it but it definitely helped to know I'm not as stuck as it felt. I think I need to work on asking for help when I'm stuck as there are great people here who care about us and who want to help.

This morning the kids and I are off on a big public transport adventure to do some car hunting with unwell one. I'm anxious and don't want to but I need to. There's one car in particular that looks great and that I'm looking forward to checking out. It's from a reputable dealer and falls within the budget with the kms, age and features we were looking at. Everything crossed it goes well as having a car like this would be a massive thing for us 🤞🤞🤞

Thank you all for the support the other day. It helped to share and be heard and felt. I am looking forward to catching up here soon. Hope everyone is OK or better ❤

Re: Just checking in.

💜🌈 @CheerBear  ....

Re: Just checking in.

How did you go @CheerBear ? 

Re: Just checking in.

I'm sitting at the place we bought a car from earlier this afternoon about 15 minutes off driving away with an amazing, beautiful, shiny, soccer mum car @Teej (and all!) 😊 I'm so, so, so, so thankful that our people could help like this and help so quickly too. We have a long trip home and I'm OK with that today (kind of - I'm a bit scared of it lol). It's the nicest thing I have ever owned and way beyond what I thought I'd be in for a while 😁😊😁👍

Will come by properly later tonight. Hope you're going OK ❤

Re: Just checking in.

Really great to hear @CheerBear 💜💜💜

Re: Just checking in.

So happy for you @CheerBear ..... and for the ones who made it happen ..... your joy is their joy too 💜🌺💕

Re: Just checking in.

The most wonderful news I could read today @CheerBear So pleased for you Hon Heart

Re: Just checking in.

Congrats @CheerBear! I’m so pleased for you!

Re: Just checking in.

Just checking in. I really wanted to participate in last nights topic Tuesday, but I thought yesterday was Monday and missed it. Stupid me would forget my head sometimes if it wasn’t attached!

Re: Just checking in.

I have spent this week trying to work out which day I am in @Queenie, and missed a catch-up painting class yesterday because i

of it .....,


I hear you.

Mental Health Council of Tasmania