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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Just checking in.

Nope @CheerBear , things are ok. Just got home 🙂


Hi @Faith-and-Hope , @Sans911 , @Zoe7 , @Queenie  and all 👋🏻 


I haven’t read much yet. 


My holiday away was very different to what I expected. There were some belly laughs and fun and then there were some very anxious moments. I tried to be in the moment as much as I could. My social skills were put through their paces but I survived. I am so ready to be home though. 




Re: Just checking in.

Great to hear from you @Teej. And good to hear there were fun moments in among the anxious ones.

Re: Just checking in.

👍 @Teej

So glad you had those belly laughs 😊 Enjoy being home!

Re: Just checking in.

That is great news @Teej So pleased it was a good trip away and despite some anxious moments you got through it. Really lovely that you checked in and told us how it all went too. Hugs and hugs Hon Heart

Re: Just checking in.

🤗💐💜💕 @Teej ....


Ya did it ❣️

Re: Just checking in.

@Sans911 ??? Here if you want me to listen 👂

Re: Just checking in.

Thanks @Teej for the support but I'm sure no one wants to hear my stupid rant. Just dissapointed in humans letting me down. It does make me feel like life's not worth it.

Re: Just checking in.

Also here for you @Sans911 Rant away if you need to - we are listening and happy to Hon Heart

Re: Just checking in.

I’m up for a rant if you want @Sans911 . I’m sure it is important. 

Re: Just checking in.

Yeah, we do wanna hear from you @Sans911 .  Your feelings matter and I am so sorry to hear someone has let you down ☹️

Mental Health Council of Tasmania