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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Just checking in.

Ahh it sounds brain smashing stuff @Faith-and-Hope . I hope it’s not too big a move and change. I can imagine that dragons will be fired up.  I’m so glad mine are almost passed that stage now. S1 was supposed to finish up at the end of this semester but won’t be until the end of year because of a timetable glitch.  S2 has another 2 and a bit years left. 


There is a lot of changes everywhere that are unsettling. 


My appointment with therapist went ok. Kind of better than I thought. Lots of tears for me though. She hasn’t seen me that upset for a while. Back focussing on getting through the next bit. 

Re: Just checking in.

It feels like an “all hands on deck” time @Teej , but I am not a bl%dy octopus .....


I have to stay in one-step-at-a-time mode myself.


Glad the appointment went better than you expected.

Re: Just checking in.

Just checking in 🙂👋 We're home after a few pretty full on days away. We went somewhere that seems everyone in our state decided to go to for Easter so it was bonkers busy 😖 The kids had a great time with lots of people, dogs and the beach, as well as an egg hunt at the place we were staying which was huge with plenty of great egg hiding spots. I struggled a little (maybe a little more than a little) with being away and with the amount of people who were there, but had some enjoyable moments and loved seeing the kids so happy.

Unwell person and I have bonded so much over the last couple of weeks. We spent a whole day together in the car (my sparkly one 😍) driving home to pick up some medication and feed the cats. That time together was my highlight of our time away. Some of my fireballness and my passion for certain things have come from him and they're things I appreciate about his influence on my life. I feel sad a lot about what's happening with him and probably more sad the more we spend time together, but I will treasure these times and am very thankful we can have them.

I have clocked up a bananas amount of hours behind the wheel and I've felt really OK doing it. Driving in general but especially in places I don't know has always been a big source of anxiety for me and one I've had to work hard to get around. When I overcome that fear it's a bit of a marker of progress in my 'me vs my head battle' and something I'm really proud of. It feels like my tiny bubble is expanding in a very noticable way when I get out and about. Having a big, safe car will help so much with that. I'm stoked 😊

Kids are back at school tomorrow 🎉 and I start my training soon. I'm busting with excitement about that (both of that haha)!

Now that I've had my (long) check in, I am sending a big hi and hopes that the weekend has been OK for everyone. Wondering how your time away went @Teej?

Time for a wander and a catch up here ❤🌈

Re: Just checking in.

So much positive from your post @CheerBear and so lovely that you got to spend that time with unwell one on your own - those are indeed memories you can take forward with you CB Smiley Very Happy It will be good to have the kids back at school for some alone time too no doubt - cherish every moment you have with both well and unwell one and your kids - those moments are precious Heart

Re: Just checking in.

Hey @Zoe7. I wasn't sure if I would see you so soon after catching a little of the tricky time you were having at the end of last week. I hope things feel better for you now.

Another positive - I caught naughty Noodle boy after his refusal to come home last week. He's back on his favourite chair and I have all six of my babies home again 😊.

Hope you've had a weekend that feels good for you ❤

Re: Just checking in.

It was a very tricky week @CheerBear and some of that tricky was definitely an unnecessary detour from the already tricky of Rockpool leaving. Still finding that part super hard but I know it will only be time that will help there. Very much feels like the last of my SANE supports have left now and that is difficult to navigate for me. Thank goodness I still have my wonderful forum friends - makes that loss a lot easier to deal with.


It must feel good having all your babies back in the one house - and great to have them all back especially with the start of school again tomorrow. We have one more week of school holidays - we did start a week later than you guys though. I know this week will go super quickly - just as last week seem to as well. It was not the ideal start to the holidays that I had envisaged but it is what it is and I just need to deal with it and move forward. Still a lot to sort out but that cannot be done just yet but hoping it gets done before the end of the holidays.

Re: Just checking in.

Hi @CheerBear @Zoe7 .... 👋💕


I am in the coffee shop early this morning, shaking off a grrrr from yesterday ..... and your post was sooooo poignantly lovely to read @CheerBear ......


I am also so impressed that @Zoe7 @has thrown herself into supporting others here as away of coping with her tricky stuff from last week .....


Go both of you(se) ..... ❣️


Would live a check in too @Teej ..... (and @Former-Member and @Kurra if you’re up to it)

Re: Just checking in.

awww @Faith-and-Hope Thanks Hon Heart It helps that I have the time and helps me to not hink too much myself. I am feeling a little better though despite there still needing to be some things that need to be further sorted this week. The Easter break has been good for me as it has been a good break from some of the tricky still.


So lovely to see 2 of my favourite people in the one place here Smiley Very HappyHeart

Re: Just checking in.

I'm thinking of you often @Faith-and-Hope particularly with what's happening with unwell person. My go-to might have been to stay angry had I not had some very positive encouragement to let some healing happen while there is time. I don't know if it is the same for you as me (but I have a feeling it may be) in that I'd like to be able to make a difference even in a small way, somehow. I've said it before but you have made a difference in my life. I'm (we're) lucky to have you step in to our lives F&H ❤ Sorry there was grrrr for you. I hope your coffee feels good.

@Zoe7 I am sorry you've had some tricky. I know important some supports have been to you. I am still hurting from a very big ouch of a different kind and I have found it difficult move through, with layers easily added to it. Time is probably helping but it is taking a lot of it and it has extra hurt that I've felt the need to keep it mostly inside. I hope you have supportive support for your hurt.

We only have Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday as school days this week (as you'd know) so it feels a little like three weeks of holidays. It's nice to have them home but nice to have them back at school too 😉 Glad the break has been good for you even if it hasn't had a great start.

Re: Just checking in.

Adding my voice here as to how wonderfully lucky we are to have @Faith-and-Hope here too @CheerBear - and may I add that you are in that same box CB - 2 extremely wonderful human beings that bring so much wisdom, support and joy into our lives here.💕


Tricky it has been CB but as we have said - time is also what is needed. Sometimes these things cannot be dealt with until a little time and further perspective have passed. That is where I am sitting personally and within that is the knowledge that some of those supports that have now left SANE have actually allowed me to get to where I am now - and for that I will be eternally grateful. It doesn't mean that I am not feeling those losses even more this week but it does help to know that they have been there through the toughest of times and that I am extremely grateful for. A new chapter in my life has emerged through the wonderful work situation this year and those people have been instrumental in getting me to a place tht I could even consider all that - so much to thank them for but also - as they have been mving on to - a new chapter in all our lives.

Mental Health Council of Tasmania