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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Ok, just refreshed before seeing your refresh tip! Will keep that in mind now.
Yes, definitely a topic I can relate to. I've been a carer for my mother for about a year however was sharing responsibilities with my dad who has now been in hospital for the past two months, so I've noticed I'm wearing thin between being a carer and trips to the hospital

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

It could be the start of burnout @Shaz51.  The numbness to me is like when a bucket is full of water and you try to add some more.  It can't be absorbed.  We can become like that - things just slide off us because we can't take on any more.  Or have nothing left to give.  

Does that sound like something that might be going on for you? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

For me @Appleblossom, that original burnout has made me more easily susceptible to it happening again.  Although I'm much quicker at picking it up and course correcting.  Is that true for you? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Wearing thin is a really great description @Tanoozle.  What are the signs of that for you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Hello @Tanoozle, @Appleblossom, @Former-Member

yes it does @Former-Member,

would you connect burnout with phyisal illness ??

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

I think it can lead to physical illness @Shaz51.  Which is why I've become so passionate about people recognising the need for greater balance - taking care of their own needs too.  But I think a physical illness - in your case the flu - could also the the 'final straw' that kicks off burnout.  it can wipe out our final reserves. 

I feel like I manifested that illness so that I finally had an excuse to stop.  I wouldn't give myself permission to do that before becoming ill. Kicking myself over it now of course. 

Slowing down to take care of your flu might be good for you emotionally as well.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member

I read your experience about burnout and found it very interesting. Thank you.

I was just thinking today that I don't feel really myself. Where normally I would feel very deeply about something or excited I don't feel very much at all. It's not that I don't care or recognise a good thing - I just don't feel much. Although I feel like I am coping better in ways and not as anxious as I once was, I am also not feeling real joy - and never really look forward to or become excited over the things I use to. I feel like I am flatlining.......And I do need a lot of sleep but not chronically fatigued. I can tend to zone out and people comment that I seem to "block out" what others say at times (this is also not done consciously). I feel I am zoning out more....

Is this emotional numbness I am experiencing?  or could there be another reason. I do believe in emotionally detaching for self preservation but I am not doing the above consciously. 

Are there any other symptoms that could indicate such? And what is the best course of action to come out of this? To feel fully again? I have been under extreme stress the last year but ironically felt I coped extremely well. I am feeling a bit confused to what is happening to me. Any advice appreciated

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Signs for me are I guess less patience = snappiness. Also tiredness, more so than I used to be . The tiredness makes me take less care of myself

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

Hello @Former-Member

I sure it has been building up for a little while,bit by bit  and then last week hubby had kidney stones, my mum was put in hospital for a few days and now me

Re: Topic Tuesday // Burnout // 24 Jan. 7pm AEDT

One thing I am learning is to make time for myself and set limits which allow me to have personal time with friends

Mental Health Council of Tasmania