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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.
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Community Guide

Studying support

Hi all, 


Alot of our members appear to be studying currently. i would love to provide a safe space for people to talk about their study struggles so we can help you on your journey. 

please feel free to share tips on how to cope with studying workloads and daily living. 


Re: Studying support

Hi @outlander 


Great idea for a studying space. There are definitely a lot of members who study. 

I'm actually doing an art therapy diploma at the moment. I have no tips but would love to hear what others have to offer.



Re: Studying support

thats awesome @hanami
i love art and have found it so beneficial to my mental health. its almost a therapy in itself so thats awesome.

im currently studying my diploma in community studies and disability.

Re: Studying support

Yes @outlander 

Art helped me so much over the years with mental health too. Your diploma sounds really interesting too. I remember doing some units on community studies when I was at uni and it's very involved. Super interesting though.



Re: Studying support

i already work in the industry the last couple of years @hanami so its been interesting to elarn more. gets really tough though esp with the time management side of things or the way TAFE words their assignments. somethings are totally irrelevant! 

but when im finished i hope to be able to do some more peer support work for those with a disability. im looking to specalise abit more but im not sure on the area yet maybe something like support co-ordination or counselling for those with a disability 

Re: Studying support

I used to do support co-ordination @outlander  and really liked it. The business was fairly new though and didn't pay me on time and had a few other issues so I left. But the job itself I liked. Loved meeting new people in the community.



Re: Studying support

ah yes @hanami the company i work with right now is sort of spoiling my enjoyment of working with people atm but its providing good work placements and making it easier to study compared to trying to find places to study/do work placement sections.

are you hoping to open your own business once you do your art therapy diploma?

Re: Studying support

Hello @outlander and @hanami its Lost Angel ,Have also been studying this year although the last online class was last week The trainer is giving me this week to upload any unfinished assesments that need to be finalised before getting an acknowlrdgement of the studies ,just would like to give a summary of what it was like start to finish, To begin with I was determined,motivated and excited to attempt to gain a certificate III in Buisiness Administration ,but as time went on I was more and more disorganised with tasks ect and especially homework ,there where some unexpexted things that happend also including an imediate family memebr having a medical emergency of Anaphyliaxis and being Diagnosed with an Anaphilaxis Allegy ,Also a few bouts of depression, lack of motivation and stress, I basically said to trainer last week that Ive accepted that I wont be getting the complete certificate, dont get me wrong I have tried so hard at times but sometimes try as you might its hard isnt it 

Re: Studying support

@outlander Yep I get that - there are pros and cons of different workplaces for where you are in your own life. 

I think I would like to have my own business, but not 100 per cent sure. It would be nice but my husband has his own business and always tried to talk me out of it when I mention it! He hates the never ending admin stuff. So we will see how I go! 


Re: Studying support

@nannax you might find this thread helpful as well
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Mental Health Council of Tasmania