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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.
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Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

To recognise Mental Health Awareness Month, I sat down with SANE Patron and Lived Experience advocate, Janet Meagher AM who lives with schizophrenia, to talk about psychosocial support and the importance of finding help to manage your recovery. 


I hope you enjoy this special opportunity to hear from my friend Janet. Please join me in the discussion below, what does psychosocial support look like for you, and what helps you in your recovery?


I'd also like to know if this sort of format is an interesting one for Forum members - would a 'SANE TV' style of content - invited speakers and more video/webinar content be interesting to you. If so, what topics and speakers would you want to see on here? 


@tyme @Zoe7 


Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?


This was a great opportunity to listen and learn from experience. I would love to see a SANETV space. Could you explore complex mental health issues from a lived experience stance? 


My psychosocial experience has involved my community mental health team, psychologist, recovery collage, the SANE peer guide program and currently fulfilling a scholarship to do a certificate IV in mental health peer work.

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Wow - you are kicking so many goals, I wonder if you could tell us more about what a recovery college is - that sounds pretty cool.

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

This was really good I would definitely be interested in more videos like this, reading is good but I like listening to people speak about whats important to them

my psychosocial support is definitely my family and maintaining a routine, stability, going to work even when I find it hard, doing things that fill my cup like getting exercise in every day if I can

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

I’m not sure about topics or speakers though because Im not sure with who is out there

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

i also really liked the part about respect both giving and receiving and finding someone that gives you the respect you need in your recovery

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Also, connecting with my culture and exploring the country around where I live helps me too

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Maybe its a case of us having a digital suggestion box? perhaps topics and speakers could be a mix of speakers with their own lived experience and topics being different parts of recovery or how to handle different parts of life / recovery - like "anxiety and sleep" - much like the Topic Tuesday themes but we introduce videos and guests... a mix of "experts" and real people? maybe even Forum members themselves? Perhaps Forum members could vote to bring back the speakers they like best? ... just some ideas

Re: Mental Health Month - what is psychosocial support and recovery?

Sounds good! @RachSANECEO I like the digitise suggestion box, experts and real people, I find following along the chats hard and not sure what to contribute and I prefer to watch videos (or I listen with my headphones while I’m doing things) but thats just me…
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Mental Health Council of Tasmania