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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer oh interesting, I might have to find some of this matcha haha. Yeah I don't think coffee plays too well with reflux hey - yet here I am on my third cup 😅


But I mean the lists of trigger foods is MASSIVE - caffeine, dairy, chocolate, even CITRUS? And that's amongst an enormous list (which to me basically boils down to 'don't eat foods with flavour' 😞)


Oooh see a 'policy change proposal' to me is an incredibly useful skill and knowledge to develop, and is obvs important for being able to affect changes in the system... buuuut it also sounds boring as heck! Mainly cos I struggle with the sort of language often used in policy writing 😅


Ooh those would be super cool to visit! And yeah fair enough, those are loaded questions hey. But yeah exactly, who knows! Me I'd like to visit Canada, and go back to Peru 😍

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx one of the reasons why I had to decrease my coffee intake. I also hate the crash, it only work for so long till it doesn’t. I have tried drinking three cups of coffee before and got agitated and a migraine. I never was able to manage more than two in a day before GERD issues.

I find dairy okay, particularly yoghurt. I honestly prefer yoghurt over milk, easier to digest. We are all different though. I don’t eat much citrus and i also try to not to overdo it with spices and tomatoes.

Honestly I haven’t even gotten to that assignment yet, I’m doing the most boring one first because I need to finish it first. I haven’t thought of the argument I’m going to put across yet. I think we need some change in disability for women from CALD communities. Navigating the system as someone from the CALD community would be challenging.

Peru sounds amazing. I’ve heard Japan and Türkiye have lots of cats, one of the reasons why I want to go because of those cute little babies

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer mm wise choices. I'll get there eventually 😅 I just like having the ritual of making a cuppa of a morning!


Haha I feel like that's an autistic thing - saving the best till last. I mean maybe it's also a human thing, but I don't know many neurotypicals who will empty a bag of skittles into a bowl to be sorted into flavours then consumed in order of least to most delicious.... guilty 🤣


That is a great topic! Deffo good to lean into areas of passion and compassion - I did my big research paper on the lack of MH support systems for LGBTQ+ youth and because it's my community, I poured my heart into it. 


Oooh yes kitties!! A very good reason to travel anywhere haha. Peru was absolutely magical, jungles to mountains and incredible art, culture, and architecture. I also participated in some ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies over there - life-changing experiences which I'm always happy to yammer on about if you're curious. 


I'll be off soon so I will bid you goodnight, and catch up with you soon 💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx the ritual of making a morning cuppa is soothing. I also have my daily coconut water before breakfast, it's refreshing and hydrating.

I've saved the best to last before. I've saved the cream of cakes to last, because I love the cream part of cakes 🤣.

It does make a difference when you are passionate about something. I just see many inequalities in the current system, there are so many barriers, for example, those who are not fluent in English may not know what their options are. There are also resident requirements in order to access services like NDIS. It is quite complex. NDIS is already hard enough for the average Australian, it's even harder to navigate for certain groups of people.

My sister's friend went to Turkiye and said all the kitties were pretty chill. The Turks love cats, my psych is Turkish and has kitties on her farm where she works. My GP is also Turkish and he adores his kitty. Peru does sound very rich in culture and beauty. It sounds like you had a full cultural experience.

I hope you were able to rest well last night ❤️

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Hello there @creative_writer 🙂🌺

going ok thanks. Sorry for delay 🙂

How’s uni stuff going? I hope it’s working out for you 💜


Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member getting through it. I’ve written out one of my assignments, need to proofread and do referencing. Might need to utilise the read aloud function just so it’s easier to pay attention. I hope you are doing well 💖🫂

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@creative_writer hahaha yesssss cupcakes are always eaten base-first, icing last! It's the best way. 


Yeah for sure, I would think the irony (of having our accessibility benefits so difficult to access) is hilarious if it wasn't so deeply tragic and extremely disappointing. I'm glad that it's an area of passion for you, I can picture you doing some incredible work in that area one day. 


I didn't know there was that many cats and cat-lovers in Turkiye! Adding to my destination dream list hahaha. Friend of mine also recommended Morocco, so that's on my list too - maybe I'll go on a Kitty Cat Tour of the whole region 😸


Hope you're doing okay tonight 💜

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Jynx I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so.

It is incredibly ironic. I don’t even understand how the system works, can’t really expect it to be easy for clients.

Türkiye is also one of those countries where the east and west meet too, I think there would be lots of cool history. Though it’ll be cold during their winter 🥶, our summer.

I’m okay, exhausted as it’s been a brain intensive day. How are you? 💖

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

Sounds good @creative_writer 🌺🙂

im ok thanks.. feeling a bit teary today, but that’s because sometimes things are a bit confronting with life and sometimes those things remind me of hardships in the past. 
I’m ok 🌺💜

you have a good day and I hope things are ok 

Re: Oscillation between two mind sets

@Former-Member sorry to hear it's been hard for you. Sending you lots of hugs and love 💖🫂. I hope thing pick up for you as the day goes on.

I'm okay, very drained, but that is expected with uni. We don't have exams, just final assignments to complete. I've been proof reading and been doing the tedious referencing

Mental Health Council of Tasmania