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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.
Senior Contributor

Not coping

@tyme hey hun I've fallen off the surf board.  Feeling overwhelmed.  No money to move waiting on housing to pay bond hopefully they do.  Hope I get the Nils loan next week.  Just so much on my shoulders.  Flatmate has been unhelpful and drunk. Feeling really cranky with everything today. 😕  

Hope your ok xx

Senior Contributor

Re: Not coping

Hi there @Sirine 

Sorry to hear you've taken a bit of a nosedive. Just when things were going well. I'm sure you'll pick up again soon but you know we are all here for you. Do you have something nice you can do for yourself to try to perk yourself up a bit?



Re: Not coping

@hanami hi sweetie to be honest I just want to be left alone.  I don't even want my flatmate to come home.  I will get through this, I'm a warrior.  And I have you guys too, I always know there's someone there for me. Thank you 😊 

Re: Not coping

Naw @Sirine , you're such a trooper, a true warrior!

I'm off for the day soon but back tomorrow. See you then


Re: Not coping

That's sounds so hard, especially when you are trying to be sober @Sirine - is your flatmate aware of your efforts?

Re: Not coping

@tyme hi hun. Yeah feeling it all today. Triggered by songs on radio even. She is a disrespectful #$%* she knows very well.  She's on the phone constantly I get no peace. At least in new house there are places where I can get away from her.  My gf came over before and it was lovely to have some sanity. She's coming again tomorrow to help me. 

Totally cranky today.  Hope your having a great day xx 😘 

Re: Not coping

You are doing a marvellous job @Sirine - you are doing so well. 


It's ok to feel cranky tonight. 


Hopefully you can get some rest and start afresh tomorrow.

Re: Not coping

Hello hugs @Sirine ❤❤

Mental Health Council of Tasmania