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The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is a member based peak body. We represent and promote the interests of community managed mental health services and have a strong commitment to enabling better access and outcomes for every Tasmanian.

Re: Life can be a Pain

glad to hear you had a good sleep last night @Owlunar 

sleep real does impact our lives 

i get up 4 times a night to go to the bathroom due to the kidney 

but lately I have been having leg cramps , ouch 

how was you one pot dinner go xx

I am going to make some over the weekend , have to go shopping first 

raining lots up here so having the aftternoon off , well did not get home until 2pm 

Re: Life can be a Pain

I hope you got some rest last night @Owlunar Many gentle hugs for your pain Heart

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Owlunar 

I feel for you with reg your shoulder pain. It must be so hard to get comfortable at night. 
I'm thinking of you tonight ❤️❤️

Re: Life can be a Pain

Love the owl



I have a collection in my animal file and I was thinking of you cos I was looking for something for @Former-Member


ahh ... my curly complicated brain ... one doc told me off for goin roundin circles once ...


KNow what you mean about the 'old as you feel" ... you have actually quoted it once I am sure ... but the great thing about language is that we all have the right to use it as we see fit... which may be contradictory at times ... and that is fine ... not a sign of losing marbles ....


Gentle Gentle Hugs


Smiley Happy


Re: Life can be a Pain

Ooh @Appleblossom 


I so identify with that wonderful owl - and the look on her face when she is having her left wing elevated and extended


I tried that and had the same look on my face exactly - I could feel it - oh yeah




ah - thanks Apple - gotcha ;)ah - thanks Apple - gotcha 😉

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Appleblossom @The-red-centaur 


I am moving this post over here and see how things go


Yep @The-red-centaur 

from me.

Staying active through winter has really improved my experience of pain.  For a while I succumbed to winter cold and started shrinking inside myself and feeling it more and more.

It was a gradual improvement as it started with a type of volunterering that meant I was out of doors regularly (zoo), but not too regularly, as I was honestly not up for that. It was good as there was lots to learn which was distracting and kept me going.  A few afternoons a month thru 2 winters made enough of a difference for my son to notice as my mood was lifting, then adding little things like @outlander  bedsocks, and movies, have meant that I am not dreading this winter. I am getting out in as much sun as I can, and when the chill really hits I will try and look after myself.


Yes and all the things the others mentioned. @Maggie @Lilaca 

Smiley Happy

@Dec  has probably a few hints ...

Smiley Happy


Thanks for tagging me on this one Apple - I am hoping we can help in some way


@The-red-centaur  - I have been reading your posts for some time - not really sure if I could help in anyway but since you opened a pain thread for yourself I thought I would add you to my thread where there are a lot of people with chronic pain and I can assure you - though it might not help- that you are not alone - the chronic pain business is up and growing and life with constant pain is getting harder with the Government clamping down on many types of pain medication it's not making life any easier


I have had chronic spinal pain for - wow - hard to believe - 25 years this winter and I am glad I never looked into the future about this because here I am - still in the game and putting up with a lot - in my shoulder atm - 


I see a pain specialist - I was in the public system for a long time and they treated me well and I had medication for it but things changed there so I found a private specialist and he gives me injections of local anaesthetic and they work well - things are delayed a bit atm because of COVID-19 but we can hope life will return to normal but in the meantime - what about you


I understand you were in hospital for a long time with painful injuries to your feet and legs and now you are being taken off your pain medication and it's been long enough to be chronic and the future looks bleak - pain clinics are hard to get into because in the public systm there are waiting lists to get onto the waiting lists - and in the private system is costs a lot - but there are medicare rebates and it's something you could try - it will take a long time to get into see one


So for now - keep warm - I gather music is an interest of yours and I second Apple's idea about bedsocks - I love them - depending on your heating system keep yourself as comfortable as possible and stay inside on cold days and try and keep your mind occupied on anything at all that interests you


And keep in touch - nothing is hopeless - ah yes - and one reason the doctors are not giving your the medication you would be more comfortable with - and so would I - is that the Government is concerned wants us to take less of that kind of medication - if you can get a pain specialist to support you it would be much easier


But you will likely always have some pain and that is unfortunate - I know this only too well and it's the nature of the medication itself that is the problem


But I wish you the best




Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Appleblossom @BlueBay @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Sans911 @Faith-and-Hope @outlander 


About 8.00 pm on Wednesday I tripped and landed heavily on the floor and hurt various parts of my anatomy  that were already hurt and made some new ones hurt and I am uncomfortable in a major way tonight


I feel as if I have taken a physical battering lately - and emotionally too I know - and I can sit and wait it out but it's all wearing a bit thin right now - and just think - had I not tripped and fallen I would have gone on with my life and not felt the least bit grateful that it hadn't happened - a temporal paradox that - I think


So I triggered the button my wristband when I hit the floor and they sent a nurse around to check on me - and by this time I was on my feet and it seems nothing broken - and that's good - I will definitely count that as a blessing


Geez I'm sore - I have medication here at home and I really don't want to visit an ED and expose myself to the coronavirus but I also know that the morning after falling like that will be ouchy - so yes - if this is how Thursday monring looks I will get a taxi down to the Private Hospital that takes emergencies and my pain specialist practises there so that could be useful


But I will hack it out here at home if I can - I would rather


And it's time for me to take more medication which might be good - what a bloody nuisance to have that happen - and not because I was unsteady either


All the best anyway everyone - and may Thursday be kind to you this week


DecAw -I am so stiff and achey but I will be okayAw -I am so stiff and achey but I will be okay

Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh no @Owlunar 

your fall sounds very very painful. 
I'm glad you've got a buzzer that you can press. 
I hope you're not too badly bruised today when you wake up. 
I'm sorry this has happened 

maybe it's a good idea to go to ED anyway so you get to see your pain specialist. 

pls take care 

thinking of you 

I care about you 
Sending you lots of hugs 🤗🤗


Re: Life can be a Pain

Oh dear @Owlunar .....


I have fallen like that before.  It jars your whole system and leaves you feeling like you have tumbled down stairs ..... 😕


I hope you're feeling better soon.1750BBA1-A8BC-4E57-85AB-7F3FD5EBE039.jpeg




Re: Life can be a Pain

aww @Owlunar that sounds really painful
im really glad that you have one those of call buttons that send out help. Its a really great invention!
So glad nothing is broken but the pain sounds horrible.

I hope your abit better this morning but a trip to the ed sounds like it might be a good idea esp if your pain specialist is there, otherwise you could ask for a dr to visit you in your home?

Mental Health Council of Tasmania